Forum Discussion

John_T__Morgan_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 26, 2016

Support for 2 different Citrix farms on one Virtual Server

Hi All,


We are currently using a BIG-IP APM device to allow external access to our XenApp 6.0 farm with Web Interface. Basically, we are using the BIG-IP as a NetScaler replacement.


We are in the process of trying to roll out a XenDesktop 7.8 implementation using Store Front. My problem comes with trying to support both environments using a single Virtual Server.


Right now, we have an SSO form and a iRule in place for the 6.0/Web Interface farm. The SSO Configuration is applied to the Access Policy and the iRule is applied to the Virtual Server. This is problematic, since I can't think of a way to provide support for both environments at the same time. I can either support one or the other by changing the SSO Configuration and the iRule, but applying the set for the 6.0 Farm breaks the 7.8 farm and vice-versa.


What I am trying to determine is if there is any other way to apply the SSO Configuration and the iRule based on a user's role, rather than at the VS and Access Policy level.


In my access policy I do a AD group membership check for a group called "XEN 7 Users". If my user is in that group, I can then assign them some SSO credentials and the StoreFront Pool. If they are not in the "XEN 7 Users" group, they get assigned SSO credentials and the Web Interface pool. However, if they are in the "XEN 7 Users" group, but the SSO config and IRule for the Web Interface are in place they can't access the Store Front servers.


Is there some way I could assign SSO configurations and iRules based on the user's role, rather than to the Access Policy and Virtual Server? I am looking to get a little more granular.


Thanks, I hope this was clear.




  • in principle you should be able to handle both cases in one irule if the irule can take the chosen group into account. you can trigger an irule event and irules can look into APM variables.



    the correct SSO profile can be selected from that iRule