Forum Discussion

Naresh_N's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 13, 2015

SSL handshake errors

Hi there,


Recently put TMOS version 12 into production and see following SSL handshake errors, none of which existed in version 10.2.3:


Nov 12 03:15:36 dc1lbc2p info tmm[11446]: 01260013:6: SSL Handshake failed for TCP -> x.x.x.x:443 Nov 12 03:15:55 dc1lbc2p info tmm[11446]: 01260013:6: SSL Handshake failed for TCP -> x.x.x.x:443 Nov 12 03:16:12 dc1lbc2p info tmm[11446]: 01260013:6: SSL Handshake failed for TCP -> x.x.x.x:443 Nov 12 03:16:32 dc1lbc2p warning tmm[11446]: 01260009:4: Connection error: hud_ssl_handler:1135: codec alert (20) Nov 12 03:16:32 dc1lbc2p info tmm[11446]: 01260013:6: SSL Handshake failed for TCP y.y.y.y:63127 -> z.z.z.z:443 Nov 12 03:18:53 dc1lbc2p warning tmm[11446]: 01260009:4: Connection error: ssl_hs_rxhello:7103: unsupported version (40)


Did ssldump and ssl debugs but can't figure it out. There are no low encryption ciphers being presented by clients. In fact I don't see any handshake errors in the packet captures. Its pretty baffling. Would be great if someone can throw some light. Techs at F5 haven't been able to figure it out either.


Thanks Naresh