Forum Discussion

JasonHeffner_71's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 16, 2009

ProxyPass redirect problem

I'm having some strange issues with proxypass and redirects. I have proxypass setup as follows



/login connectstagingapp


/manage connectstagingapp



and generally this works as expected. However when I attempt to do a response.redirect in asp which is behind proxypass to a url outside on the same server, the BigIP will continue to serve files through proxypass for all urls on the host, even those that aren't specifically listed in the Data Group List.



The stranger thing this is dependent on browser, where this is the case on Firefox and IE, Safari will correctly handle the redirect.



Does anyone have an idea what might be causing this?



  • Thanks for the prompt response and help. I'm looking forward to rolling this out next week into production after some more testing.
  • I know this is an old question, but I tackled the same issue in 2016 when I first started as a F5 admin.


    I created a ProxyPass_DefaultPool irule that was ahead of the ProyPass irule for the VS in question. TheProxyPass_DefaultPool searched the same class as the ProxyPass irule does, but it only matched on starts_with hostname and then start_with uri, instead of hostname and uri combined, then it set the variable $ppass to the pool name found, if any.


    This increased the likelihood of finding a default pool to use for all requests to the target hostname.


    If ProxyPass_DefaultPool fails to find a pool name to use it logs that.


    All I need to do is monitor the NO DEFAULT POOL found log messages and make a data group entry to fix it.


    So far works like a charm


    One more advantage was not having to modify the ProxyPass irule. This leaves the door open for upgrading to a new version without having to migrate local embedded code.