Forum Discussion

JCMATTOS_41723's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 09, 2008

ProxyPass iRule?

We have dual LTM's 9.4.1. We are trying to rewrite the url so that users will see http://xyzcompany/ in the url instead of http://123company/. We tried using the ProxyPass iRule sample:



Everything works like a charm except for two things? The 1st is it adds an extra whack "/" at the end of the url? Example: http://xyzcompany// not sure why? 2nd question is, the irule works fine until you access a third party hyperlink within the site? Example: http://zyxcompany/



In our Data Group List we have it currently set to:



"/ xyzcompany/"



Please help!

5 Replies

  • Colin_Walker_12's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Could you please past in a copy of you current rule so we can take a look?





  • Deb_Allen_18's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    The 1st is it adds an extra whack "/" at the end of the url? Example: http://xyzcompany// not sure why?Did you see this note buried deep in the documentation for the ProxyPass iRule about when not to specify a trailing slash in your class member entries?One thing that needs to be clarified is the usage of a trailing forward-slash in the examples above. Unless you really know what you are doing and are trying to do something unusual, simply follow these rules:



    * For the left-hand-side entry only, end the entry with a forward-slash if there is no other path. So “” and “/” are valid entries, but you would not want to end “” or “/path” with a forward-slash.


    * For the right-hand-side entry, follow the same rule as the left-hand-side entry above except you should always end the right-hand-side entry in a forward-slash if the left-hand-side entry also ends in a forward-slash.



    2nd question is, the irule works fine until you access a third party hyperlink within the site? Example: http://zyxcompany/What happens then?



  • If you are using ProxyPass with no paths such as:





    There is a bug where you see two ending slashes in the URL bar. Let me look into fixing that. But in reality it doesn't cause any problems at all.
  • To fix the trailing-slash bug, please find this code in the iRule code:



    if {$orig_uri eq $path_clientside} {


    if {[substr $clientside [string length $clientside] 1] ne "/"} {


    set is_https 0


    if {[PROFILE::exists clientssl] == 1} {


    set is_https 1





    and replace it with this:



    if {$orig_uri eq $path_clientside} {


    if {[string index $path_clientside end] ne "/"} {


    set is_https 0


    if {[PROFILE::exists clientssl] == 1} {


    set is_https 1




  • We have 2 big-ip's on version 9.3.0. I replaced the code in the iRule



    strangely enough i was missing “if {[substr $clientside [string length $clientside] 1] ne "/"} {“ in my proxypass script. We use version 4.0 (customized for 9.3.0).



    After replacing the code in the irule i wanted to update but this failed.



    Can it be that i'm using an old version of proxypass? I couldn't find a version higher than 4.0



    Perhaps you can help me out.



    Kind regards,

