Forum Discussion

bertrand_9354's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 05, 2012

NTLM conn Pool




I would like to have more precision concerning the running of this profile on VS.


I have configured on my LB 2 VIPs:


One in production :


- client wan optimized


- server lan optimized


- one connect profile


- http wan optimized compression


- SSL client


- NTLM profile




One in preproduction :


- client wan optimized


- server lan optimized


- one connect profile


- http wan optimized compression


- SSL client




This Vs are used to access on OWA, espcially to create meeting ....




We have a problem on the VS DEBUG when we activate the NTLM profile on VS debug we're not able to modify/create meeting.




So if you can help to explain the behaviour of this part of configuration(NTLMConnPool)
















  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Bertrand,



    Here's a SOL to start with:



    sol10477: Optimizing NTLM traffic in BIG-IP version 10.x



