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Alb3's avatar
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Sep 12, 2014

[LAB HELP] troubleshoot VS-sharepoint issue

Hi all! I am studying for the 201 certification and today i've tryed a more difficult project. I am configuring on my lab a vs for display a Sharepoint service.

I follow this step:

          - Create a pool with a Sharepoint2013.
          - Create a VS on 443 with: SNAT, a connection profile and the precedent pool.
          - Add the iRule for connect on the correct link.

At the access on the VS, it show the LoginPage but it not success. I have tryed to troubleshoot it, but on the header of the request (i have used an iRule) and respond i see on the header is "HTTP status : 0".

Any ideas? I've only a test f5 v10.2 with LTM.

Thanks for help, -AB

  • can you show your iRule code because it in unclear to me what you are doing with it.