Forum Discussion

rct101's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 19, 2024

iRule - Url rewrite and header replace and pool selection not working

I have a scenario where I need to perform a header replace and url rewrite and select a pool.

I have several sites that I need to select a specific pool and they all have to come through the same

virtual server.

When I select a pool the content returned is not complete. The web page is missing formatting and content.

If I define a default pool that would be used for the specific site the content returned is complete for that site

but still missing content for the other sites not using a default pool.

I have tried a /32 oneconnet profile and that made no difference.

Below is my irule

   switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::host]] {
         "" {
            switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {
             "/mytestsite1" { HTTP::redirect "" }
             "/mytestsite1/*" {if {[HTTP::host] ne ""} {
                            HTTP::header replace Host ""
                            HTTP::uri [string map -nocase {"/mytestsite1/" "/differentname1/"} [HTTP::uri]] }
                            pool mypool1
             "/mytestsite2" { HTTP::redirect "" }
             "/mytestsite2/*" { if {[HTTP::host] ne ""} {
                            HTTP::header replace Host ""
                            HTTP::uri [string map -nocase {"/mytestsite2/" "/differentname2/"} [HTTP::uri]] }
                            pool mypool2
             "/mytestsite3" { HTTP::redirect "" }
             "/mytestsite3/*" { if {[HTTP::host] ne ""} {
                            HTTP::header replace Host ""
                            HTTP::uri [string map -nocase {"/mytestsite3/" "/differentname3/"} [HTTP::uri]] }
                            pool mypool3



  • Hi rct101

    Can you try below one and let me know if it works ?


    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::host]] {
            "" {
                switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {
                    "/mytestsite1" {
                        HTTP::redirect ""
                    "/mytestsite1/*" {
                        if {[HTTP::host] ne ""} {
                            HTTP::header replace Host ""
                            HTTP::uri [string map -nocase {"/mytestsite1/" "/differentname1/"} [HTTP::uri]]
                        pool mypool1
                    "/mytestsite2" {
                        HTTP::redirect ""
                    "/mytestsite2/*" {
                        if {[HTTP::host] ne ""} {
                            HTTP::header replace Host ""
                            HTTP::uri [string map -nocase {"/mytestsite2/" "/differentname2/"} [HTTP::uri]]
                        pool mypool2
                    "/mytestsite3" {
                        HTTP::redirect ""
                    "/mytestsite3/*" {
                        if {[HTTP::host] ne ""} {
                            HTTP::header replace Host ""
                            HTTP::uri [string map -nocase {"/mytestsite3/" "/differentname3/"} [HTTP::uri]]
                        pool mypool3

    • rct101's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      This just looks like formatting of the code layout. Went ahead and tried it but no difference.

  • HTTP::host may contain port number, e.g. aaa.bbb.ccc:8888.
    so you need to remove the port number.