Forum Discussion

mali77_57143's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 19, 2012

Initial deployment question

So I inherited these two Big IP LTM products. In the past I have used Cisco Content Switches and they made sense. This is my first time working with the F5's and the documentation so far have been of no help. It is really the worst documenation so far right after Citrix.


Any ways I want to basically setup the two devices in Active/Active mode and per documentation I do not see any option for HA Wizzard. So far I have just configured the Management IP's on the two, I was able to setup a trust between the two but the configuration sync kept saying pending. I do not see any option under "Platform --> System to change the Unit ID's and the mode". It does not say anything about the licensing in the documentation so I don't think it is a licensing issue.


So can some one please point me in the right direction in accomplishing this for starters:


1- Setup the two devices in active/active mode (as I don't even see the options any where)


2- Tell me what exactly Interface Mirroring will do for me I know it is supposed to duplicate traffic to another interface why would I want to do that? Is it like port span to capture packets or something?


3- I know I have to enable network failover so ok I do that do I need to connect the TMM switch ports for the failover options to show up or like connect the two interfaces via cross over cable like 1.1 of Unit 1 to 1.1 of Unit 2?



Thank you.


  • Ok some progress here:



    1- I rebooted the Active device and the second device became Active so I guess I need to work on creating some sort of Network Failover for the VLAN's/Failsafe/HA Group so that if an interface goes down second device picks up.



    2- Ah that sucks that VLAN configuration is not synced is there any other stuff that doesn't sync? If there is any documentation for it ? I'll ask F5 support too once I get hold of them.



    3- Ok I understand about the manual config sync.



    Will post back my results
  • Off the top of my head;


    •Non floating Self IP Addresses


    •Management network interface IP address, mask and gateway


    •Probably network interface physical configuration and trunk configuration???



    Looking for a v11 document to confirm now...
  • 2- Ah that sucks that VLAN configuration is not synced is there any other stuff that doesn't sync? If there is any documentation for it ? I'll ask F5 support too once I get hold of them. i have not yet seen sol for v11 but the following is for v9 and v10. you may review BIG-IP system files section.



    sol7024: Overview of the ConfigSync process




    hope this helps.
  • Just wanted to thank you all who helped me with this. So looks like I have been able to setup both devices with the failover and config sync. Just need to fine tune the failover with the VLAN's and stuff and minor other questions about understanding the system. I'll do some more reading and send the questions to F5 support.



    By the way is there a document that shows best practice deployment scenarios, diagrams etc?
  • By the way is there a document that shows best practice deployment scenarios, diagrams etc?there is implementation document in product manual but not sure if it is what you are looking for.



    Manual: BIG-IP TMOS: Implementations