Forum Discussion
How to get all servers in a GTM pool (Python f5-sdk)
I am sure this is quite simple but I can't find reference to this in documentation.
pool ='poolname')
Once i've loaded it, how can I see what servers are in this pool and get their name(s)? I would also like to do the same with wideips, gather all pools in each one to see if a particular pool is being used by it. (Version 12)
- xuwen
this code for type A and partition is Common:
from f5.bigip import ManagementRoot
mgmt = ManagementRoot('', 'admin', 'xt32112300')
for i in
type_A_wideip =
except Exception as e:
print('type A widip name {} error msg is '.format( + str(e))
if hasattr(type_A_wideip, 'pools'):
for pool_name in type_A_wideip.pools:
gslb_A_pool =['name'])
gslb_pool_members_vs_name_list = [str( for mem in gslb_A_pool.members_s.get_collection()]
print('type A wideip name: {} use gslb pool name is: {}; gslb_pool_members_vs_name_list: {}'.format(, pool_name['name'], gslb_pool_members_vs_name_list))
code running result:
type A wideip name: use gslb pool name is: gslb_pool; gslb_pool_members_vs_name_list: ['dc1-vs', 'dc2-vs']
type A wideip name: use gslb pool name is: gslb_pool; gslb_pool_members_vs_name_list: ['dc1-vs', 'dc2-vs']
Process finished with exit code 0
- A_J_
This is great! Very helpful. I can use this as a reference. I want to take a VS, find what pools it is in, then what wideip has that pool.
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