Forum Discussion

alltalavista_30's avatar
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Jan 09, 2017

How to generate different pseudo MACs for VIPs within same VLAN?

How do we generate different pseudo MACs for different pseudo VIPs within same VLAN


For example:


VLAN-A | VIP-1 to get mac-1 | VIP-2 to get mac-2 | VIP-3 to get mac-3


VLAN-B | VIP-4 to get mac-4 | VIP-5 to get mac-5 | VIP-6 to get mac-6


  • Hi Alltalavista,


    by default, the MAC address of your Virtual Server is inherited from the attached VLAN objects.


    To overwrite this behavior, you have to create different traffic-groups and enable MAC Masquerade Address for each of them. And then assign the individual Virtual Servers to the coresponding traffic-groups.


    But this is far from being ideal, since it will add certain complexity (more complex management, additional floating IPs, etc.) which is in the end most likely not worth the cent.


    So what is the exact reason to have unique MACs for each of the Virtual Servers?


    Cheers, Kai