Forum Discussion

Herman2024's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Jan 21, 2025

How are memory and disk allocated to different modules on bigip appliance?

hi, when doing "Resource Provisioning", the memory and disk space are auto allocated to LTM and ASM are shown as below. The amount of Memory and disk is minimum requirement, right? When a huge number of virtual server will be created later, will appliance auto allocate more spare memory and disk to the module? And what is he management module  responsible for? Is it responsible for packet forwarding? should we set "Provisioning" to "Medium" or "Large" if the throughput is larger than 1Gbps? Can someone please advise?  thanks in advance!


  • mgmt module is like control plane (not data plane like ltm, asm. gtm/dns modules).
    it handles config storing, ha config sync and other typical control plane roles.
    it doesnt do packet forwarding or storing ltm session tables.

    you can monitor mgmt memory usage using free of OTHER entry in statistics minus non TMM from resource provisioning.
    bigip doesnt automatically increase mgmt memory size so youll need to monitor it.

    mgmt large is just extra 500MB according to
    so it's considered small for today hardware ram size


    • Herman2024's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      hi zamroni777 thank you so much for your kind advice! As shown on the screenshot about module memory statistics ? Is TMM memory shared by LTM, GTM... besides the amount allocated to each module under "Resource Provisioning"? Please  advise, thanks in advance!

      • zamroni777's avatar
        Icon for MVP rankMVP

        gtm is not within tmm.
        you can view it in Resource provisioning page.

  • HI Herman,


    Part 1

    On a Big-IP appliance, the memory and disk space allocated to different modules can be managed through the "Resource Provisioning" feature, allowing you to specify how much of the system's resources each module should use, with options like "Minimum," "Nominal," or "Dedicated" allocation depending on your needs; essentially, you can set specific amounts of memory and disk space for each module based on its anticipated usage, with the system automatically adjusting resource allocation accordingly. 


    Key points about resource allocation on a Big-IP appliance:


    Module-specific allocation:
    Each licensed module on the Big-IP system can be assigned a specific amount of memory and disk space. 

    Allocation settings:
    You can choose between "Minimum" (least amount of resources), "Nominal" (balanced allocation based on module needs), or "Dedicated" (all available resources allocated to a single module). 
    Flexible resource management:
    Especially with vCMP guests, you can fine-tune the resource allocation for each guest based on the specific modules it is running and the traffic it is handling. 


    How to check memory and disk usage for modules:
    Configuration Utility:
    Access the "System > Resource Provisioning" section within the Big-IP configuration utility to view and adjust resource allocation for each module. 
    Command line:
    Use commands like df -h to check available disk space on different mounted volumes and monitor disk usage. 

    Part 2

    Management provisioning allocates additional memory for the BIG-IP Linux host system. There are three default settings: Small (default), Medium, and Large.

    When you use the Configuration utility to configure the Provisioning setting for Management (MGMT), the system allocates additional memory to the control plane using the following default values. These values are in addition to the base memory allocation for Management (MGMT):

    Small memory allocation is 0 MB.
    Medium memory allocation is 200 MB.
    Large memory allocation is 500 MB.
    You can also use the TMOS Shell (tmsh) to modify the system database variable provision.extramb to use a custom allocation of additional memory for Management (MGMT). For example, you can configure an additional memory value other than Small, Medium, or Large. Any additional memory configured for Management (MGMT) (control plane) is deducted from TMM (data plane).


    Before you modify BIG-IP system provisioning or add more memory to an existing Management setting, review the available system memory.

    For large configurations containing more than 2000 configured objects, for Management (MGMT), in the Provisioning column, select Large.

    For units with at least two provisioned modules (LTM+ASM+other, LTM+APM+other, and LTM+AVR+other), running on BIG-IP 14.1 or later and medium-large configurations (500+ configuration objects), select Large.

    For units running on BIG IP 15.x or later, select Large.

    For units provisioned with three or more software modules and running on BIG IP 15.x or later, set <numeric value>to 2048 (or even 4096 if enough resources are available), using command as previously described in step 3 of the "Modify the provisioned memory value using tmsh".

    • Herman2024's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      hi F5_Design_Engineer , thanks a lot for your advice. Is the memory for TMM is shared by LTM, GTM besides the amount allocated to each module under "Resource Provisioning"?  What is the cli command to allocate more memory or disk space to a specific software module? please advise, thanks in advance! 

      • Hi Herman,

        First you need to list the different provision related DB variables value.

        I would highly recommend to test these commands only in a TEST LAB setup, do not play the settings on a PRODUCTION F5, till you are not sure of the outcomes.

        Once you get the proper SYS DB variable value for your resource provisioning, then you can work on modifying that particular variable and it may cause your system unstable or crash or reboot.


        First identify the right DB variable of your requirement before modifying it .

        And search more details on that DB variable and consequences of changing it.


        root@(TEST-F5-01)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# list sys db provision
        Display all 184 items? (y/n) y

        Configuration Items:
          provision.1nic                  provision.cpu.urldb             provision.enforce            provision.noautoreboot          provisioned.cpu.sslo            provisioned.disk.tam  
          provision.1nicautoconfig        provision.cpu.vcmp              provision.extramb                provision.pending               provisioned.cpu.swg             provisioned.disk.tmos 
          provision.action                provision.disk.afm              provision.initialized           provision.memory.ilx            provision.restjavad.extramb     provisioned.cpu.tam             provisioned.disk.urldb          provisioned.memory.ilx
          provision.afm.extramb                provision.managementeth       provision.sadc                  provisioned.cpu.tmos            provisioned.disk.vcmp 
          provision.cpu.afm               provision.disk.apm              provision.memory.afm               provision.tmmcount              provisioned.cpu.urldb           provisioned.memory.afm
                provision.disk.asm            provision.tmmcountactual        provisioned.cpu.vcmp  
          provision.cpu.apm               provision.disk.avr                 provision.memory.ltm            provision.tomcat.extramb        provisioned.disk.afm             provisioned.memory.ltm
          provision.cpu.asm               provision.disk.cgnat         provision.wocplugincount   
          provision.cpu.avr               provision.disk.dos              provision.memory.apm            provision.memory.pem            provisioned.cpu.afm             provisioned.disk.apm            provisioned.memory.apm          provisioned.memory.pem
          provision.cpu.cgnat             provision.disk.em                   provisioned.disk.asm  
          provision.cpu.dos               provision.disk.fps              provision.memory.asm            provision.memory.sslo           provisioned.cpu.apm             provisioned.disk.avr            provisioned.memory.asm          provisioned.memory.sslo
          provision.cpu.em                provision.disk.gtm          provisioned.cpu.asm             provisioned.disk.cgnat
          provision.cpu.fps                  provision.memory.avr            provision.memory.swg            provisioned.cpu.avr             provisioned.disk.dos            provisioned.memory.avr          provisioned.memory.swg
          provision.cpu.gtm               provision.disk.ilx           provisioned.cpu.cgnat           provisioned.disk.em   
                   provision.memory.cgnat          provision.memory.tam            provisioned.cpu.dos             provisioned.disk.fps            provisioned.memory.cgnat        provisioned.memory.tam
          provision.cpu.ilx               provision.disk.ltm           provisioned.cpu.em              provisioned.disk.gtm  
                provision.disk.pem              provision.memory.dos            provision.memory.tmos           provisioned.cpu.fps              provisioned.memory.dos          provisioned.memory.tmos
          provision.cpu.ltm               provision.disk.sslo         provisioned.cpu.gtm             provisioned.disk.ilx  
          provision.cpu.pem               provision.disk.swg              provision.memory.em             provision.memory.ui                  provisioned.memory.em           provisioned.memory.ui
          provision.cpu.sslo              provision.disk.tam            provision.memory.urldb          provisioned.cpu.ilx             provisioned.disk.ltm        provisioned.memory.urldb
          provision.cpu.swg               provision.disk.tmos             provision.memory.fps                provisioned.disk.pem            provisioned.memory.fps
          provision.cpu.tam               provision.disk.urldb         provision.memory.vcmp           provisioned.cpu.ltm             provisioned.disk.sslo      provisioned.memory.vcmp
          provision.cpu.tmos              provision.disk.vcmp             provision.memory.gtm        provisioned.cpu.pem             provisioned.disk.swg            provisioned.memory.gtm


        root@(TEST-F5-01)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)#  list sys db provision.cpu.asm
        sys db provision.cpu.asm {
            value "0"


        root@(TEST-F5-01)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)#  list sys db provision.memo
        Configuration Items:
          provision.memory.afm     provision.memory.cgnat         provision.memory.ltm    provision.memory.tmos         provision.memory.vcmp
     provision.memory.asm   provision.memory.fps          provision.memory.ilx     provision.memory.swg
      provision.memory.dos     provision.memory.pem     provision.memory.ui
      provision.memory.avr     provision.memory.gtm      provision.memory.tam          provision.memory.urldb
          provision.memory.apm     provision.memory.em       provision.memory.sslo


        root@(TEST-F5-01)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)#  list sys db provision.memory.ltm
        Configuration Items:

        root@(TEST-F5-01)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)#  list sys db provision.memory.ltm
        Display all 2568 items? (y/n) n

          all-properties           non-default-properties   one-line                 |
          default-value            scf-config               value                    value-range              {


        root@(TEST-F5-01)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)#  list sys db provision.memory.ltm
        sys db provision.memory.ltm {
            value "0"
        root@(TEST-F5-01)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)#  list sys db
        sys db {
            value "0"
        root@(TEST-F5-01)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# 

        for example and just for reference purpose

        Modify Management provisioning using tmsh

        You can modify Management (mgmt) provisioning from the command line where Small equals 0 MB, Medium equals 200 MB, and Large equals 500 MB.

        Important: Reprovisioning will cause the system to reboot, causing an outage.

        1. Open the TMOS Shell (tmsh).tmsh
        2. Type tmsh modify sys db provision.extramb value 500

          Important: Provisioning the mgmt plane to large and performing a ConfigSync might cause an outage on the peer unit. See K31326690 for more information on this issue.

          To increase Tomcat memory run the following:

          1. tmsh modify /sys db provision.tomcat.extramb value 256

             To view change run this command:
          2.tmsh list sys db provision.tomcat.extramb

          3.bigstart restart tomcat

          Additional Information

          Note: Restjavad may need increased memory also since this is used in-conjunction with the GUI to make rest calls in the background when making configuration changes to the database.

          Giving restjavad extra memory. This is a two-step process.

          1. Update memory allocated to the control plane using TMUI. System :

            Note: Resource Provisioning. The line for Management has a drop-down box forSmall,Medium, or Large.

            2. Run the following two commands, in sequence:

               tmsh modify sys db restjavad.useextramb value true

               bigstart restart restjavad

            Check this article for more details: