Forum Discussion

ozdemircili_696's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 18, 2010

Health Monitors

Hi, I have created a health monitor with the following config: Interval 5 Timeout 16 Send String GET /test/test.jsp Receive String HTTP 1\.(0|1) 200 Reverse No Transparent No Alias address ALL Alias Service Port ALL But whne I go to add it to a specific node choosing NODE SPECIFIC I cannot see the monitor I created inside the list. Do I need to do anything else to make the monitor a node specific one? Thanks.
  • Hi, Just an update. I think I was able to find the correct string:





    GET /test.test.jsp/ HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: Close\r\nHost: \r\n\r\n





    HTTP/1\.(0|1) (200|304)



    Now when I stop the app. The node seems down too.




    What do you think?




  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    It would be ideal to find a page which exists in the application that you can request and receive a 2xx or 3xx response for. You can then use the receive string you have listed to check for the service status.



    Also, the receive string shouldn't have any \r\n's on the end as bigd appends two for you in 9.4.x.



  • Hi, Just an update for the people that may have the same problem.With the latest modifications it it is working without problems. Thank you hoolio?
  • i had same issue as you do, its realated with Host: param on http headers, web app servers returns 400 if the http header doesnot include Host


    for example curl always returned correct but not the nc cause of Host param it took long time for me to figure that out.


  • Personally I'm with a problem like this, I have an application that said / apex.apex.jnlp, escrica This application is in java, suppose one of the servers lodged during a problem with java (application) with I I can get this machine in the pool?