Forum Discussion

D_Miller_23555's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 07, 2012

failed login attempts after upgrade on LTM

Just upgraded from 10.2.0 to 10.2.3. Had TACACS working before the upgrade, now getting login failures. ACS reports that I successfully passed authentication. The /var/log/secure states that it could not identify user (from getpwnam.



Is there something new I need to configure in the upgrade to make the F5 pass tacacs authentications.


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    The admin and root system accounts are always authenticated locally even when you have admin users authenticated remotely. What the SOL is trying to explain is that you can't have locally authed admin user accounts while remote admin auth is configured.



  • I have a LBT 3600 with version 12.1.2 in a lab environment, I have the validation users via TACACS, when access via https works without problem, but when I try to access via ssh, the equipment does not allow me to access, I receive an access denied message.


    This configuration is running identical in another LBT 4000s with version and the same user is validated via https and ssh, without any problem.


    Anybody knows if there is any recommendation to configure the access via ssh on this 12.x version?, I have read and applied the recommendation on the document "K13309: Restricting access to the Configuration utility by source IP address (11.x - 13.x)" with negative results.


    Thanks for your help!