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jdfishtorn's avatar
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Dec 10, 2024

F5 Per applications AS3 Declarations via Terraform

F5 Per applications AS3 Declarations via Terraform. 
Good evening all, 
I would like to put together a proof of concept surrounding using Terraform (the clients preferred automation platform) to populate and manage AS3 declarations. I am attempting to follow the following F5 docs page in my lab, and it is not working as I would have expected. [](
I have two separate files such is suggested in the article. One with two applications (app1-2.json) that acts as the base line for the first push, then a second file (app3.json) with a third application that I would like to ADD to the existing AS3 deceleration leaving my F5 with 3 total applications. 
I have one file []( that looks like the following:
resource "bigip\_as3"  "as3-example" {
as3\_json = file("app1-2.json")
tenant\_filter = var.tenant
tenant\_name = "Tenant"
I use that []( file to push the original app1-2 file to produce the initial declaration with two applications. Then, I edit that file to look like   
resource "bigip\_as3"  "as3-example" {
\#     as3\_json = data.template\_file.init.rendered
as3\_json = file("app3.json")
tenant\_filter = var.tenant
tenant\_name = "Tenant"
Since per-application declarations are enabled, I assumed editing this file and applying it would push the third application and leave the other two in tact. That is not the case. When I push this edited []( file, it edits the existing declaration deleting app1 and app 2 and creating app3. 
Can anyone shed some light on how we are supposed to use Terraform in per application deployments? I feel like I have to be missing something silly.