Forum Discussion
F5 APM redirect when the URI contains a # (hashtag) / URI fragmentation
- Jul 24, 2018
Hi All,
I thought I would share my solution to this problem. First iRule to capture the initial request without an authenticated session. This will throw back a simple javascript to the client and encode the URI which will replace the to %23 and will submit it again.
if { ( [HTTP::uri] equals "ENTRYPOINT" ) and ( ! [ ACCESS::session exists -state_allow -sid [HTTP::cookie MRHSession] ] ) } { Respond with the 200 HTTP::respond 200 content " " }
The second part is to capture this URI and decode it back than update the landinguri in the access session.
when ACCESS_SESSION_STARTED { if { [HTTP::uri] contains "%23" } { set tmpURI [HTTP::uri] ACCESS::session data set session.server.landinguri [URI::decode $tmpURI] } }
This solution seems to work for us. But please let me know if anybody has any better idea. Thanks
Hi All,
I thought I would share my solution to this problem. First iRule to capture the initial request without an authenticated session. This will throw back a simple javascript to the client and encode the URI which will replace the to %23 and will submit it again.
if { ( [HTTP::uri] equals "ENTRYPOINT" ) and ( ! [ ACCESS::session exists -state_allow -sid [HTTP::cookie MRHSession] ] ) } {
Respond with the 200
HTTP::respond 200 content "
The second part is to capture this URI and decode it back than update the landinguri in the access session.
if { [HTTP::uri] contains "%23" } {
set tmpURI [HTTP::uri]
ACCESS::session data set session.server.landinguri [URI::decode $tmpURI]
This solution seems to work for us. But please let me know if anybody has any better idea. Thanks
- ArielSCJun 10, 2022Ret. Employee
Hi Erik, nice solution!
I'm dealing with the same situation. Could you share the Javascript code that you used?
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