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jdewing's avatar
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Apr 05, 2011

Exchange 2010 AutoDiscover issue

When I opened Outlook, it will prompt with username and password to logon to I follow the steps from “Deploying F5 with MS Exchange Server 2010”.



If I changed the IP address for to point to one of the CAS server, outlook will open with no issue. But If I changed the IP address for to point to F5 VIP, outlook will prompt for username and password. Also, the “Test E-mail AutoConfiguration failed with error “Autoconfiguration was unable to determine your settings!”



I’m out of idea..
  • Josh, are you doing SSL offload? If so, make sure that the Autodiscover vdir is not requiring SSL. I have had that problem. Sometimes patching causes that setting to get re-enabled.
  • I was having the same issue,Ever time when i open Office Outlook it was asking for username and password,and it was prompting again when we kept the machine idle for some time.



    I have installed the Certificate locally on the machine for testing and now it is not asking for the username and Password.



    Is there any other suggestions for this issue.Can we offload the certificate in F5 to overcome this issue any ideas?



    I have used the template to configure the VS in F5.Only RPC vs is configured.


  • Mathew,



    Can you please elaborate on what exactly you did when you say you installed the certificate locally? Do you mean locally on the CAS server or on the client machine? What version of BigIP are you running and which template did you use?
  • Hi Michael



    Thank you for your question



    Not on the CAS Servers,I installed the Certificate on client machines,which is downloaded from CAS servers.



    Big ip version i am running is 10.2.0,I used the template which is available in F5 10.2.0 for exchane 2010
  • Did you follow all the instructions in the Deployment Guide for 10.2.x from this link? There are some iRules you need to add to deal with Autodiscover issues in 10.2.x.