Forum Discussion

Nathan_Pearce_1's avatar
Historic F5 Account
May 17, 2016

Does anyone have an questions about F5 iWorkflow?

If you're looking to understand what all the noise is about, here are some links to help get you started:


The iWorkflow Wiki home page


This is where we will post all of the API documentation and example code to help you achieve new levels of programmable infrastructure driven automation and orchestration.


iWorkflow 101 Series


The first episode titled "The Architecture Explained" has been posted. Read this to understand the various elements that will help you speed application deployments, simplify architecture, and reduce exposure to operational risk.


Any other questions? Please don't hesitate to ask!


We're here to help!


Thanks, Nathan


  • Nathan_Pearce_1's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Hi el-homer,


    I'm back from travels now and just wanted to check-in to see you've got everything working?






  • Hi Nathan, Welcome back. I have reached out to our F5 account team and shared the iHealth info of the iWorkflow and BIG-IP VE. might has to do with the allocated VM resources? anyhow no joy yet. Do you mind sharing your (F5) email where I can send the links to my qkview on iHealth as well?


  • Hi Nathan, i still didn't understand if there will be an interaction between iWorkflow and BIG-IQ? At my company we have taken 2 licencies , one for iworkflow and the other for big-iq just for valuating the product. Can you explain by mean of a picture the interaction between those 2 components: big-iq and iworkflow. Can iworkflow be a standalone "device", independent from big-iq?


    • Mark_59978's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi Ledio,


      There is currently no interaction between iWorkflow and BIG-IQ. Yes iWorkflow is designed to function as a standalone controller, independent of BIG-IQ. Do you have sometime this week for a demo or discussion? Mark


    • Nathan_Pearce_1's avatar
      Historic F5 Account

      This is more a question of what operational model would you prefer. 1) automation, or 2) manual operation via a device management tool/controller.


      iWorkflow is a platform that presents a catalog of service templates which can be deployed via the iWorkflow Tenant web interface, or the iControlREST API. This is VERY useful for automation. Device/feature management is abstracted from the deployment system.


      On the other hand, BIG-IQ is for device management and is focussed on managing devices, features and settings.


      The right tool depends on the operating model you wish to adopt. Are you wanting to automate deployments, or manage devices?


      iWorkflow is a platform that enables automation/orchestration workflows. BIG-IQ is for device management, by people.


      That help?


  • Hi Nathan, i still didn't understand if there will be an interaction between iWorkflow and BIG-IQ? At my company we have taken 2 licencies , one for iworkflow and the other for big-iq just for valuating the product. Can you explain by mean of a picture the interaction between those 2 components: big-iq and iworkflow. Can iworkflow be a standalone "device", independent from big-iq?


    • Mark_59978's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi Ledio,


      There is currently no interaction between iWorkflow and BIG-IQ. Yes iWorkflow is designed to function as a standalone controller, independent of BIG-IQ. Do you have sometime this week for a demo or discussion? Mark


    • Nathan_Pearce_1's avatar
      Historic F5 Account

      This is more a question of what operational model would you prefer. 1) automation, or 2) manual operation via a device management tool/controller.


      iWorkflow is a platform that presents a catalog of service templates which can be deployed via the iWorkflow Tenant web interface, or the iControlREST API. This is VERY useful for automation. Device/feature management is abstracted from the deployment system.


      On the other hand, BIG-IQ is for device management and is focussed on managing devices, features and settings.


      The right tool depends on the operating model you wish to adopt. Are you wanting to automate deployments, or manage devices?


      iWorkflow is a platform that enables automation/orchestration workflows. BIG-IQ is for device management, by people.


      That help?


  • hi Nathan,


    Is possible to import a GTM(DNS) device inside iworkflow, in order to move the tree structure: (gtm<--ltm<--(vip;pool;nodo)) inside iworkflow? My intention is to have the association of vip,pool,node with gtm, becuase we have a gtm for every data-center.


  • I'm experiencing a very similar issue with BigIP 12.1.1 and an iWorfklow 2.1.0 eval. When I create a new L4-L7 service its status shows "Publication Service Unhealthy: unavailable" . Additionally the virtual server and pool don't get created on the LTM. In my case, iWorkflow and LTM are both configured to use the same NTP servers. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks


  • Hi ,


    I have a question: i created some virtual services using iworkflow so with some iapps. Now we need to upgrade our bigip devices. Usually we transfer the UCS file from old bigip to the new one. How does it work with services created with iapps, will i find the same services in the new bigip (discovering the device from iwrokflow) or i have to create all the services from scratch?


  • hi, which version of release of bigip is supported in iworkflow2.3 ? 13.x is supported?


  • Hi Nathan,


    I installed iworkflow in my enviroment i added my bigip device into it and later i think that i can see and manage all configurations (vs,pools and nodes) on the bigip.But nothing is imported into iworkflow. I read the below article, it mentions role based access control. I suppose i can create different type of users and i can assign each users different resource from imported config.But as i see that iworkflow provide us only creating new services rapidly and easly.but it does not provide managing existing or manually configured services on bigip devices.



  • Hi Nathan, is there any solution using iworkflow to make some rest calls to bigip devices without using the admin credentials of bigip but maybe using any local user defined inside iworkflow(where we have imported the bigip device) and enabling some rest calls to this user ?