Forum Discussion
Deisre to balance single inbound syslog TCP connection to multiple syslog servers.
I'm sure I'm not the first to ask this, so I'm guessing my search skills are not up to the task...
We have a syslog server that forwards to another syslog server via TCP for archival. It only opens one connection beween the two servers, so a standard VIP won't load balance the traffic to multuiple servers in the pool.
Is there a way for the F5 to accept in a single TCP connection and spread it out to multiple pool members also runing TCP?
- Dario_Garrido
Yes, there are many.
For example, you can use an iRule with HSL::send command for cloning the initial request to a pool of one or more syslog servers. This is an approach for http but with syslog is very straightforward.
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