Can I set decryption in LTM config on a port other than 443?
hello. My name is Muntae Kim.
Due to the EoTS of the BIG-IP SW used by our client, we are inevitably unable to open the case and would like to ask for your assistance.
Customer information:
- Model name: BIG-IP I7800
- SW information: TMOS 14.1.5
- License: LTM (Forward Proxy) + URL Filtering
- Configuration information: Decryption of 443 traffic outbound from the internal PC to the outside.
Review requirements
- We would like to ask for your help as there is a request for technical review to determine whether decryption is technically possible for Custum Ports (ex. 8443, 7443, etc.) other than the HTTPS (TCP/443) port that the customer is currently decrypting.
- I will attach information about the currently configured Virtual Server and iRules.
We would like to ask for your feedback.
We have attached the iRule used by our customer, so please refer to it for your review.
thank you
#Virtual Server / 1.1.VS_443_Filter_SRCIP_config.txt
ltm virtual /Common/VS_443_Filter_253.10 {
destination /Common/
ip-protocol tcp
last-modified-time 2021-03-25:19:13:28
mask any
pool /Common/pool-fw1
profiles {
/Common/FastL4_Loose { }
rules {
translate-address disabled
translate-port disabled
vlans {
ltm pool /Common/pool-fw1 {
members {
/Common/ {
ltm rule /Common/SSL_Filter_Rule {
# DEBUG On/Off : 1/0
set DEBUG 0
# Check bypass or intercept
# 1. Bypass-DIP for destination IP
# 2. Bypass-SIP for source IP
# 3. Intercept-DIP for destionation IP
# - trigger TCP::collect to extract SNI
# 4. Intercept-SIP for source IP
# - trigger TCP::collectto extract SNI
# 5. Bypass-Host for SNI (Only triggered after Intercept-SIP/DIP match)
# - SNI is matched from Bypass-Host datagroup -> bypass
# - SNI is matched from Intercept-Host datagroup -> intercetp
# - Otherwise intercept traffic
if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "[IP::client_addr] -> [IP::local_addr]" }
if { [class match -name -- [IP::local_addr] equals Bypass-DIP ] ne "" } {
if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "class match result : [class match -name -- [IP::local_addr] equals Bypass-DIP ]" }
if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "Run Destination IP bypass: Destination IP address is registered on bypass list" }
# log local0. "run client collect command_1"
#virtual VS_443_Proxy-1
} elseif { [class match -name -- [IP::client_addr] equals Bypass-SIP ] ne "" } {
if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "class match result : [class match -name -- [IP::client_addr] equals Bypass-SIP ]" }
if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "Run Source IP bypass: Source IP address is registered on bypass list" }
} elseif { [class match -name -- [IP::local_addr] equals Intercept-DIP ] ne "" } {
if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "Destionation IP address is registred on Intercept-DIP list" }
if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "class match result : [class match -name -- [IP::local_addr] equals Intercept-DIP ]" }
# log local0. "run client collect command_1"
virtual VS_443_Proxy-1
} elseif { [class match -name -- [IP::client_addr] equals Intercept-SIP ] ne "" } {
if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "Source IP address is registred on Intercept-SIP list" }
if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "class match result : [class match -name -- [IP::client_addr] equals Intercept-SIP ]" }
# run TCP collect to check SNI for bypass before intercept SSL traffic
# log local0. "run client collect command_2"
virtual VS_443_Proxy-1
ltm profile fastl4 /Common/FastL4_Loose {
app-service none
defaults-from /Common/fastL4
hardware-syn-cookie disabled
loose-close enabled
loose-initialization enabled
reset-on-timeout disabled
syn-cookie-enable disabled
#Virtual Server / 1.2.VS_443_Proxy-1_config.txt
ltm virtual /Common/VS_443_Proxy-1 {
destination /Common/
ip-protocol tcp
mask any
pool /Common/pool-fw1
profiles {
/Common/ClientSSL_Profiles {
context clientside
/Common/ServerSSL_Profiles {
context serverside
/Common/http { }
/Common/tcp-lan-optimized { }
rules {
translate-address disabled
translate-port disabled
ltm pool /Common/pool-fw1 {
members {
/Common/ {
ltm rule /Common/SSL_Forward_Bypass_Rule_Debug_Complete_v2_Complete {
when RULE_INIT {
# you can add or remove Categories. See Access Policy - Secure Web Gateway - URL Categories for a list of options
set static::airgap_ssl_bypass_categories {
###set hsl [HSL::open -proto UDP -pool syslog_server_pool]
# DEBUG On/Off : 1/0
set DEBUG 0
# disable client/serverside ssl profile by default
SSL::disable clientside
SSL::disable serverside
# Check bypass or intercept
# 1. Bypass-DIP for destination IP
# 2. Bypass-SIP for source IP
# 3. Intercept-DIP for destionation IP
# - trigger TCP::collect to extract SNI
# 4. Intercept-SIP for source IP
# - trigger TCP::collectto extract SNI
# 5. Bypass-Host for SNI (Only triggered after Intercept-SIP/DIP match)
# - SNI is matched from Bypass-Host datagroup -> bypass
# - SNI is matched from Intercept-Host datagroup -> intercetp
# - Otherwise intercept traffic
#if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "[IP::client_addr] -> [IP::local_addr]" }
#if { [class match -name -- [IP::local_addr] equals Bypass-DIP ] ne "" } {
# if { $DEBUG } { HSL::send $hsl "class match result : [class match -name -- [IP::local_addr] equals Bypass-DIP ] --Bypass-DIP" }
# if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "Run Destination IP bypass: Destination IP address is registered on bypass list: [IP::local_addr]" }
#} elseif { [class match -name -- [IP::client_addr] equals Bypass-SIP ] ne "" } {
# if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "class match result : [class match -name -- [IP::client_addr] equals Bypass-SIP ]" }
# if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "Run Source IP bypass: Source IP address is registered on bypass list: [IP::client_addr]" }
if { [class match -name -- [IP::local_addr] equals Intercept-DIP ] ne "" } {
#if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "Destionation IP address is registred on Intercept-DIP list" }
#if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "class match result : [class match -name -- [IP::local_addr] equals Intercept-DIP ]" }
# run TCP collect to check SNI for bypass before Intercept-DIP SSL traffic
# log local0. "run client collect command"
set monitor_id [\
after 500 {
#if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]-[IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port] -No Delayed Binding"}
} elseif { [class match -name -- [IP::client_addr] equals Intercept-SIP ] ne "" } {
#if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "Source IP address is registred on Intercept-SIP list" }
#if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "class match result : [class match -name -- [IP::client_addr] equals Intercept-SIP ]" }
# run TCP collect to check SNI for bypass before intercept SSL traffic
# log local0. "run client collect command"
set monitor_id [\
after 500 {
#if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]-[IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port] -No Delayed Binding"}
after cancel $monitor_id
binary scan [TCP::payload] cSS tls_xacttype tls_version tls_recordlen
if { ( $tls_xacttype == 23 ) or ( $tls_xacttype == 20 ) or ($tls_xacttype == 22)} {
set record_offset 43
binary scan [TCP::payload] @${record_offset}c tls_sessidlen
set record_offset [expr {$record_offset + 1 + $tls_sessidlen}]
binary scan [TCP::payload] @${record_offset}S tls_ciphlen
set record_offset [expr {$record_offset + 2 + $tls_ciphlen}]
binary scan [TCP::payload] @${record_offset}c tls_complen
set record_offset [expr {$record_offset + 1 + $tls_complen}]
if { ([TCP::payload length] > $record_offset) } {
binary scan [TCP::payload] @${record_offset}S tls_extenlen
set record_offset [expr {$record_offset + 2}]
binary scan [TCP::payload] @${record_offset}a* tls_extensions
for { set x 0 } { $x < $tls_extenlen } { incr x 4 } {
set start [expr {$x}]
binary scan $tls_extensions @${start}SS etype elen
if { ($etype == "00") } {
set grabstart [expr {$start + 9}]
set grabend [expr {$elen - 5}]
binary scan $tls_extensions @${grabstart}A${grabend} tls_servername
set start [expr {$start + $elen}]
} else {
# Bypass all other TLS extensions.
set start [expr {$start + $elen}]
set x $start
if { ([info exists tls_servername]) } {
#if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] - [IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port] $tls_servername"}
if { [class match $tls_servername contains Intercept-Host] } {
if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] -> [IP::local_addr] $tls_servername --Intercept-Host"}
##1##if { $DEBUG } { HSL::send $hsl "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] -> [IP::local_addr] $tls_servername --Intercept-Host"}
#if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "class match result : [class match -name -- $tls_servername equals Intercept-Host ]" }
#if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "RUN Intercept-Host: SNI is matched with Intercept-Host: $tls_servername" }
virtual VS_443_Proxy-3
####SSL::enable clientside
####SSL::enable serverside
elseif { [class match $tls_servername contains Bypass-Host] } {
if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] -> [IP::local_addr] $tls_servername --Bypass-Host"}
##2##if { $DEBUG } { HSL::send $hsl "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] -> [IP::local_addr] $tls_servername --Bypass-Host"}
#if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] -> [IP::local_addr] $tls_servername --Bypass-Host"}
#if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "Run Bypass-Host: SNI is matched with Bypass-Host" }
else {
set this_uri http://$tls_servername/
set reply [getfield [CATEGORY::lookup $this_uri] " " 1]
set decision [lsearch -exact $static::airgap_ssl_bypass_categories $reply]
if {[lsearch -exact $static::airgap_ssl_bypass_categories $reply] >= 0}{
set ssl_bypass_mitm 1
if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] -> [IP::local_addr] $tls_servername --Bypass-Category"}
##3##if { $DEBUG } { HSL::send $hsl "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] -> [IP::local_addr] $tls_servername --Bypass-Category"}
} else {
set ssl_bypass_mitm 0
if { [info exists ssl_bypass_mitm] } {
if { $ssl_bypass_mitm } {
#log local0. "$static::airgap_ssl_bypass_categories $reply"
#log local0. "$reply"
} else {
SSL::enable clientside
SSL::enable serverside
} else {
#if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "No SNI exist -> Run Intercept by Intercept-SIP or Intercpet-DIP" }
SSL::enable clientside
SSL::enable serverside
if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] -> [IP::local_addr] $tls_servername --Decryption"}
##4##if { $DEBUG } { HSL::send $hsl "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] -> [IP::local_addr] $tls_servername --Decryption"}
SSL::disable serverside
virtual VS_443_Proxy-2
ltm profile client-ssl /Common/ClientSSL_Profiles {
app-service none
cert /Common/default.crt
cert-key-chain {
CA_ {
cert /Common/_.crt
key /Common/_.key
usage CA
default {
cert /Common/default.crt
key /Common/default.key
cert-lifespan 365
chain none
defaults-from /Common/clientssl
hostname-blacklist /Common/Intercept-Host
hostname-whitelist /Common/Bypass-Host
inherit-ca-certkeychain false
inherit-certkeychain true
key /Common/default.key
passphrase none
proxy-ca-cert /Common/_.crt
proxy-ca-key /Common/_.key
retain-certificate false
ssl-forward-proxy enabled
ssl-forward-proxy-bypass enabled
ltm profile server-ssl /Common/ServerSSL_Profiles {
app-service none
ca-file /Common/ca-bundle.crt
cipher-group none
ciphers ALL
defaults-from /Common/serverssl
secure-renegotiation request
ssl-forward-proxy enabled
ssl-forward-proxy-bypass enabled
# -Default Profile-
ltm profile http http {
basic-auth-realm none
lws-width 80
oneconnect-transformations enabled
oneconnect-status-reuse "200 206"
proxy-type reverse
enforcement {
max-header-count 64
max-header-size 32768
pipeline allow
unknown-method allow
request-chunking preserve
response-chunking selective
# -Default Profile-
ltm profile tcp tcp-lan-optimized {
ack-on-push enabled
defaults-from /Common/tcp-legacy
nagle disabled
proxy-buffer-high 131072
proxy-buffer-low 98304
receive-window-size 65535
send-buffer-size 65535
slow-start disabled
#Virtual Server / 1.3.VS_443_Proxy-2_config.txt
ltm virtual /Common/VS_443_Proxy-2 {
clone-pools {
/Common/pool-mirroring {
context clientside
destination /Common/
ip-protocol tcp
mask any
pool /Common/pool-fw1
profiles {
/Common/ServerSSL_Insecure_Profiles {
context serverside
/Common/http { }
/Common/tcp-lan-optimized { }
rules {
translate-address disabled
translate-port disabled
ltm pool /Common/pool-fw1 {
members {
/Common/ {
ltm pool /Common/pool-mirroring {
members {
/Common/ {
ltm rule /Common/SSL_Forward_Proxy-2_Rule {
# Add server_name extension in server-side's Client Hello using client-side's HTTP host header
set name [HTTP::host]
set name_len [string length $name]
set name_list_len [expr {$name_len + 3}]
set name_type 0
set ext_type 0
set ext_len [expr {$name_len + 5}]
SSL::extensions insert [binary format S1S1S1cS1a* $ext_type $ext_len $name_list_len $name_type $name_len $name]
ltm profile server-ssl /Common/ServerSSL_Insecure_Profiles {
app-service none
cipher-group none
ciphers ALL
defaults-from /Common/serverssl-insecure-compatible
retain-certificate false
# -Default Profile-
ltm profile http http {
basic-auth-realm none
lws-width 80
oneconnect-transformations enabled
oneconnect-status-reuse "200 206"
proxy-type reverse
enforcement {
max-header-count 64
max-header-size 32768
pipeline allow
unknown-method allow
request-chunking preserve
response-chunking selective
# -Default Profile-
ltm profile tcp tcp-lan-optimized {
ack-on-push enabled
defaults-from /Common/tcp-legacy
nagle disabled
proxy-buffer-high 131072
proxy-buffer-low 98304
receive-window-size 65535
send-buffer-size 65535
slow-start disabled
#Virtual Server / 1.4.VS_443_Proxy-3_config.txt
ltm virtual /Common/VS_443_Proxy-3 {
creation-time 2022-09-28:15:50:34
destination /Common/
ip-protocol tcp
last-modified-time 2022-09-28:15:53:45
mask any
pool /Common/pool-fw1
profiles {
/Common/ClientSSL_Profiles_nobypass {
context clientside
/Common/ServerSSL_Profiles {
context serverside
/Common/http { }
/Common/tcp-lan-optimized { }
rules {
translate-address disabled
translate-port disabled
ltm pool /Common/pool-fw1 {
members {
/Common/ {
ltm rule /Common/SSL_Forward_Proxy-3_Rule {
###if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] -> [IP::local_addr] $tls_servername --Decryption"}
###if { $DEBUG } { HSL::send $hsl "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] -> [IP::local_addr] $tls_servername --Decryption"}
SSL::disable serverside
virtual VS_443_Proxy-2
ltm profile client-ssl /Common/ClientSSL_Profiles_nobypass {
app-service none
cert-key-chain {
__1 {
cert /Common/_.crt
key /Common/_.key
usage CA
default {
cert /Common/default.crt
key /Common/default.key
cert-lifespan 365
defaults-from /Common/clientssl
hostname-whitelist none
inherit-ca-certkeychain false
inherit-certkeychain true
ssl-forward-proxy enabled
ssl-forward-proxy-bypass enabled
ltm profile server-ssl /Common/ServerSSL_Profiles {
app-service none
ca-file /Common/ca-bundle.crt
cipher-group none
ciphers ALL
defaults-from /Common/serverssl
secure-renegotiation request
ssl-forward-proxy enabled
ssl-forward-proxy-bypass enabled
# -Default Profile-
ltm profile http http {
basic-auth-realm none
lws-width 80
oneconnect-transformations enabled
oneconnect-status-reuse "200 206"
proxy-type reverse
enforcement {
max-header-count 64
max-header-size 32768
pipeline allow
unknown-method allow
request-chunking preserve
response-chunking selective
# -Default Profile-
ltm profile tcp tcp-lan-optimized {
ack-on-push enabled
defaults-from /Common/tcp-legacy
nagle disabled
proxy-buffer-high 131072
proxy-buffer-low 98304
receive-window-size 65535
send-buffer-size 65535
slow-start disabled