Forum Discussion

genseek_32178's avatar
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Sep 19, 2012

BigIP Vlan Change

Hi Experts,



A vlan in a BIGIP has been with a wrong subnet of /26 when it shud be /24. Can we change the subnet mask of the VLAN via LTM GUI without any impact?


Or do we need to remove the VLAN and readd it with new mask.


  • You are talking about the Self IP associated with the VLAN, correct? If so you can change the mask on the fly.
  • Subnet associated with Self and Floating IP....need to be changed.....can this be done via LTM GUI? Will it not have any impact?



    What r the steps via GUI?
  • Network >> Self-IPs >> Click on the Self IP in question.



    Change the mask.



    Click update.