Automated ASM Backup - working bash script now to automate or convert to iCall/tcl
Hi All,
I have put together a BASH script that when run performs a backup of the ASM policies and copies them to a remote location. The script runs great and I have had it set as a Cron job in my lab setup to automate the backups. Unfortunately, the business does not want a script running as a Cron job on the F5.
I have had it suggested to me to use iCall. I have seen only limited information regarding iCall that was written in a way that someone that has never seen iCall could understand. This got me far enough to understand that iCall runs tcl scripts, not bash scripts! The result being if I was to use iCall I would need to re-write the script completely.
I am looking for 2 options here:
- A means to automate running a bash script on the F5.
- OR detailed information or getting started with iCall - Better yet, converting bash to tcl.
To illustrate my issue, my bash script lives on the F5 and does the following:
- reads a counter value from a file
- curl command to the management interface and copies a list of ASM policy details to a txt file.
- greps the policy names from the original txt file to a new txt file.
- greps the policy IDs from the original txt file to a new txt file.
- sets a parameter with the current data and time as the value
- makes a localDirectory using the data and time parameter as the folder name (this ensures a known date of the backup - also ensures you can re-run and get a new folder on the same day if required)
- uses curl post and get commands to get the policies from the F5.
- curl upload-file command to copy files to remote smb location
- adjust the counter
- performs a cleanup of any files that were created locally.
If I switch over to using iCall the above all needs to be done with tcl - I am not sure how much of that is supported. I have found that "echo" is replaced with "puts", is there a "curl", "cat", etc equivalent?
Thanks in advance
For the basics see
Also check out the following as an iCall example (shameless plug of my own code)
You can run shell commands from TCL using the exec command and also run tmsh commands (see TMSH scripting help at
It is a lot to take in and learn over running Bash scripts (and using cron to schedule them) as the iCall scripts and configuration is part of the F5 configuration so backed up and retained during upgrades.