Forum Discussion

Jayson_Gugliett's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 27, 2007

Adding 2nd Network to BipIp

I have a BigIP 6400 v.9.3.0 and have a /26 currently assigned by my ISP. Somebody before me setup the F5 with this public range. I have been assigned another /26 from my ISP and ran a cable from the ISP router to Interface 7 on my F5. How do add this second /26 so that I can use it for NAT'ing and Virtual Servers?



  • Create a vlan, including interface 7. Assign a self IP to your new vlan from the ISP allocated subnet.
  • If the ISP router is the same one used for the connection for your old /26 address block, all that is needed is for your ISP to add a route to your new /26 through the existing connection.